
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Roça [The Farm]

Hubby left early this morning to join his brothers at the family farm.  They are working together on planting coffee, and he won't be home until tomorrow evening [late].  The farm is remote.  There's no cell phone service and the last leg of the trip is a bumpy ten minutes on a dirt road, at times driving precariously along the edge of a steep drop-off.

The scenery is beautiful.  The surroundings are peaceful.

The food is fresh and delicious.  Every time we go, we return home with a giant box full of mangos, bananas, or whatever else they have to share.  They extract the juice from sugar cane and boil it down to make rapadura, a sweet treat that tastes like molasses.
A recent haul
Rapadura [photo stolen from my brother-in-law's Facebook]
It is nature up close and personal--I've seen lizards, colorful birds, and even one huge, hairy spider!  Hubby's mother has a gorgeous vegetable garden and beautiful hanging plants and orchids on the veranda that wraps around the main house.  It is the kind of place that forces you to relax; there's no way to constantly check your e-mail or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed.  It's a wonderful place to truly get away from it all.


  1. I feel relaxed just having read this and seeing the beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for sharing this! I also feel really satisfied, because I had been really curious about the farm, and almost immediately you posted this. Do you drink coffee from the farm? Now I'll go back to work and writing my proposal - but I'm wishing I could take a walk with you at the farm!

    1. They are planting coffee right now and I don't think it will be ready for another five years or so! Years ago I could have had coffee from the farm but it sort of fell off for a bit...I miss you! Thank you for always reading and commenting :)
