
Friday, May 29, 2015

10 Things I Love About My Husband

It's Health & Fitness Friday, but I'm going to post about something totally unrelated. This Sunday is a very special day for me and my husband. It marks six years since we became a couple! We have been through a lot together, and I'm so happy that we always make it out the other side stronger and a better team. I'm so thankful every day that I am married to my best friend. There are a million things that I love about my husband, but here are some of the first things that come to mind: 

1. When he sings along to the radio while making dinner

2. The way he laughs and plays with our son

3. That he sweeps and mops the floor because I hate to do it

4. When he asks if I want him to rinse while I wash

5. His sense of humor and his laugh when he thinks something is really funny

6. His willingness to help anyone in need

7. His ability to keep a cool head and look at things rationally

8. The way he dances with me

9. The way he looks in a suit

10. His man skills

Some of these are silly, but in all seriousness, I lucked out tremendously in the Hubby department. Happy Anniversary, Baby!


  1. He's a keeper for sure! What a great wife you are to yake the time and energy to write about his wonders too. So often in life we get caught up in the day to day and forget to thank the people it's easiest to take for granted <3

  2. I would add #11 Funny face-making talents

  3. Obviously I didn't mention his cooking skills on this list could really go on and on :)

  4. I've also heard he is the best soccer player in the world.
